Filter Fab Manufacturing Company is a leading manufacturer of Natural Gas Filters located in Industry, PA. Meter, Valve & Control is both a manufacturer’s representative (CA, AZ, NV, ID, UT, OR, WA, AK, HI) and authorized distributor for Filter Fab products. Specializing in both Dry Particulate Filters and Coalescing Filter Separators, Filter Fab also thrives on custom designs for applications that a standard filter will not work. The main product lines we offer include the Filter Fab F-Series and C-Series Filters.
Featured Products
Filter Fab F-Series
F-Series filters are used to remove dry particulates such as dirt, pipe scale, and rust from pipelines in order to protect downstream equipment and reduce maintenance costs.
F-Series Filters are available in 180, 285, 750, and 1480 PSI pressure ratings and range in size from 1.5” through 12”. These Filters can handle flow rates from 5,000 to 25,000,000 SCFH. Filter Fab can make many custom filters in regards to lay length, profile, orientation that other options.
The replaceable polyester felted or polyester/ cellulose filter cartridge used in these filters will remove 99.8% of all solid particles 10-microns and larger.
Filter Fab C-Series
Coalescing Filter Separators are used to keep liquid out of downstream equipment. These filters are designed to remove 99.9% of all liquid droplets 0.3-microns and larger.
C-Series Filters are available in 180, 285, 750, and 1480 PSI pressure ratings and range in size from 1.5” through 12”. These filters use a borosilicate fiberglass media material to make up the replaceable filter cartridge. These have fine pores which force microscopic droplets to converge together when passing through the media.
These droplets increase in size until they are too large for the gas stream and drop to a sump area of the filter where they are collected and can be drained.