IMAC Systems Inc. is located in Tullytown, PA and specializes in gas measurement and precision machining products. IMAC also offers services for gas meters, gas meter repair and gas meter calibration. Meter, Valve & Control is the Western United States (CA, AZ, NV, WA, OR, HI, AK) representative for IMAC Systems as well as a distributor. Some of the main product lines include IMAC Pulsimatics, Pete’s Plugs, Differential Pressure Gauges, Custom Pulsers, Meter Repair, Filter Dryers, Monolithic Isolation Joints, Insulating Flanges, Catalytic Heaters and much more.
Featured Products
Gas Meter Accessories
IMAC Systems, Inc gas meter accessories included such products as Pete’s Plugs, Lubrication Systems, Differential Pressure Gauges, Meter Gaskets, Pipe Joint Tape and much more. These are all high quality and top of the line products to aid in maintaining, monitoring and making gas systems safe.

Gas Meter Repair & Calibration
IMAC Systems, Inc offers Gas Meter Repair and Calibration services for most gas meter types. They have a considerable amount of experience, state of the art proving equipment and trained personnel that provide a quick turn around on all Gas Meter Repairs. Repair services are available for diaphragm, rotary and turbine gas meters.
Current Pipeline Products
Current Pipeline Products is a division of IMAC Systems, Inc dealing in cathodic protection products. These include Barlow Insulating Flanges, Monolothic Isolation Joints and TMK Surge Arrestors.