AAT Volume Corrector
The XARTU/1TM-LDVI-AAT Volume Corrector is applicable to the Sensus Auto-AdjustTM Turbine meter.
View AAT Volume Corrector Documents
Features of this configuration include:
- Embedded Sensus Auto-Adjust™ Algorithms Certified by SensusTM
- Live GC inputs
- AGA 51 AGA 71 AGA 8 Detailed and Gross Methods 1 & 21 & NX-19 Calculation When Required
- Optional live 4-20mA or Frequency Output for Instantaneous Flow Rate
- Configurable via RS232 for Modbus Communication
- Optional RS485 with Expansion Board
- Optional Wireless Communications (Cellular I Radio/Satellite)
- Live Graphing of Main/Sense Frequencies in Field Manager PlusTM