NOTE: The METRIS 250 Gas Meter has been discontinued as of November 2020. Meter, Valve & Control will carry limited stock of this meter and continue to support it in the future.

The METRIS meter is uniquely constructed to give utilities the edge they need in an increasingly complex and competitive marketplace.

Category: Tag:


NOTE: The METRIS 250 Gas Meter has been discontinued as of November 2020. Meter, Valve & Control will carry limited stock of this meter and continue to support it in the future.

The METRIS offers three versions that provide greater flexibility for your metering needs. The unique modular design of the METRIS offers the advantage of complete customization to fit individual installation needs. In addition, due to inventory and manufacturing enhancements provided by modularity, this invaluable flexibility can also be delivered with unparalleled speed and scheduling dependability.

Application:Residential & Light Commercial
Measurement range:250 SCFH @ 0.5" WC
400 SCFH @ 1" WC
Operating pressures:5 PSIG MAOP
Connection sizes:10lt, #1 Sprague, 20lt, 30lt,
Environmental temperature:-20°F - 120°F
Cyclic volume:0.071 ft3/rev
Special Approvals:California Weights & Measures

Metris 250 Gas Meter Documents

Additional information



Temp/Pressure Comp



